Thursday, April 10, 2008


Saturn's Transit to Leo
Saturn is a karmic planet and its position in any birth chart indicates past Karmas and its repayment in present ‘Janma’. Saturn is a hard planet and it does not fail to give its results under influence of any other planet. It is considered to be so powerful that when it is combust with sun it hardly fails to be effective.

It is also noteworthy that Saturn is the slowest planet and it takes on an average 2 ½ years in transit moment from one rashi to another and completes a round of all twelve signs in 28-30 years. At present Saturn is being direct from 22nd of July and entering in Leo sign. One very important fact about Saturn is “Saturn Saadeh Saati”. This is a period of 7 ½ years of so called adverse impact on Saturn over Janm Rashi, Second sign & 12th sign from the rashi in which Saturn has been transited.

Normally an individual undergoes by maximum number of three Saadeh Saati in a lifetime. First saadeh saati’s impact is on education & parents, 2nd Saadeh saati influences mainly career and 3rd Saadeh Saati’ impact is on health. It is very unfortunate to say that Saturn always gives adverse effect in its saadeh saati, it is not so Saturn gives some unexpected good results during its period of 7 ½ years too. Good or bad results depend upon the position of Saturn in birth chart.

If Saturn is posited in 1/6/11th house in birth chart it is called “Swarn-Pad shani” 2/5/9th house it is “Rajat-Pad shani”3/7/10th house it is “Tamra-Pad shani” and in 4/8/12th house it is called “ Lauh –Pad shani”.

It gives all good results if its Swarn pad shani, proves lucky in Rajat pad, gives moderate results in Tamra pad and it gives sufferings in Lauh pad.

Saturn’s transit in to Leo will wrap up three signs in its Saadeh Saati impact. These signs are Leo, Cancer & Virgo.

For persons born in Leo moon sign Saturn’s impact is on Janm rashi (sign). This position of Saturn is called “Bhog Sthiti” (good or bad results in optimum measures) so natives born in this sign would get maximum impact of Saturn saadeh saati. If it is adversely placed it can harm your health, social image or mar the chances of your growth. When favourly placed it will give good health and recognition.

For natives born in Cancer moon sign it is “ Drishti Sthiti” for Saturn so they will get restricted growth or moderate impacts of Saturn. (Good or bad according to the position in birth chart) Canceriaons would get restricted growth in all spheres of life.

For the natives born in Virgo moon sign it is “ Charan Sthiti” of Saturn. It indicates some health problems. Though sufferings would be severe or moderate according to the position of Saturn for all individuals.

Though most of the astrologers and lay man maintain this fact that Saturn’s Saadeh Saati is a period of sufferings and mishappenings for 7 ½ years. But my personal opinion differs from this school of thought. I call this period as a “ Purification period of mind & soul”. Saturn is deemed to be Justice so how one could say that he has given me sufferings, the results you get during this period of 7 ½ years are according to your Karmas. So be brave and let the destiny work. One can only get some relief from Saturn’s justice by doing righteous deeds and maintaining the purity of character.

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